Joplin Area Real Estate Investor Association

10 Things I Say to Sellers

Community of Real Estate Entrepreneurs



Maybe you’re someone who's completely comfortable asking complete strangers questions like, “How much do you owe on your house” or saying things like, “That’s crazy, you’ll never get that price”.

But if so, you’re unusual—most real estate entrepreneurs have a tough time telling other people that their properties are not worth what they think they’re worth. Whether it’s that you don’t want to argue with a seller who seems certain that his price is right, or whether it’s your fear that YOU’RE the one who’s wrong, or whether you don’t want to disappoint or offend complete strangers who’ve come to you for help, the fact is that you might just have a hard time choking out the fact that you need to pay less for a property than what the seller wants.

I’m the same way. The difference, though, is that I have over 2 decades of trial-and-error-based experience in talking to property owners of all descriptions. And because I’ve spoken to, oh, 20,000 or more sellers, I’ve had the opportunity to try a lot of phrases that get my point across without sounding confrontational, insulting the seller or his ugly house or iffy neighborhood, or asking questions that the seller might find invasive if stated too directly.


Multiple Streams of Income = Success

Real Estate Investors Association of Greater Cincinnati



Warning: This is the longest blog post I've ever written. At the same time, I think if you can read it all, you'll be glad you did.

Because there’s a dark secret that a lot of investors know, but that no one seems to talk about much. It’s a secret that every full-time investor eventually discovers for himself or pays the consequences.

So, I guess this “secret” isn’t, really a secret—in fact, it’s right in front of all of us, all the time. Look at any successful investor, and there it will be, staring you right in the face. Yet, you may have never noticed it on any conscious level.

Part of the reason you’ve never noticed it is that the real estate education industry tends to misdirect you, denying the truth of this phenomenon without coming right out and addressing it. Have you guessed it yet? No? then let me drag out “the reveal” a little longer with an example.

Let’s take 2 imaginary real estate entrepreneurs, Investor A and Investor B (well, OK, they’re not all that imaginary—they’re both based on people I know, and if you look around a little, you’ll see examples of both, too).


The 4 Cs of Buying Notes

Community of Real Estate Entrepreneurs



Marco is a buyer of seller-financed notes and mortgages who is also a member of our amazing national community of real estate entrepreneurs. He’s co-teaching the all-day workshop on getting started in buying notes in late February and is the author of a weekly “Seller Finance” e-letter.

        Like many other members, I attended the excellent Saturday Workshop taught by Robert Mohon called, “The Ultimate Credibility Package.”

        One of the things I learned was all bankers are taught the four Cs of lending money: things they look at when considering whether to make a loan. These are:

  1. Credit
  2. Collateral
  3. Capacity
  4. Character

        This made me think about the differences between lending money and buying seller financed loans that someone else already made, which is what I do. I came up with these four Cs for Note Buyers:

  1. Credit
  2. Collateral

9 Habits of Highly Effective Investors

Real Estate Investors Association of Greater Cincinnati



In my 25+ years in the real estate business, I bet I've met more than 100,000 investors at all levels of knowledge and experience. Some have become amazingly successful, while others have lost steam or experienced dramatic failures.

During this time, I've noticed that there are certain characteristics that come with real estate investing success. As a matter of fact, that I have come to believe that I can predict with fair accuracy whether a particular investor will be successful. All I have to do is find out a little about their attitudes and actions, and I'll know what their chances of becoming successful are.

Before I outline the specific characteristics that I've found in successful investors, I’d like to define what I mean by "successful investor".

A successful investor is NOT the person who owns the most properties or does the most deals, or who has the most zeros in his net worth.

A successful investor is simply a person who knows what he wants - financially, personally, and in terms of what he wants to contribute to the world - and successfully uses real estate investing as a way to get those things. For a successful real estate investor, real estate is a means to an end, not an end u

Which Bills to Pay First in Your Business

Utah Real Estate Investors Association



“A lot of talented actors still have to pay their bills.” - Mark Wahlberg

Sometimes it seems like bills come through the door as much as customers do … And knowing which bills to pay in which specific order can be difficult. 

And just like some customers are worth more than others to your small business, some bills need quicker attention than others as well. You put things in priority order for your company every day. You should do the same for your expenses. 

We’ve got some thoughts on how to do that. 

Which bills to pay first and why

You’ve heard about keeping the lights on? It’s true. Whether your business relies on the internet, machinery, handwashing, or heating, your utility bills have to be near the top – if not always first – on your pay list.

You also need a place to work – there’s no debate if you arrive at the office one morning and find the door padlocked. Pay your rent. 


How to Write Marketing That Works

Real Estate Investors Association of Greater Cincinnati


One of the most important aspects to a marketing campaign is to create a solid mail piece for your business: one that sellers will actually respond to.

Here are the key things to remember when you want to create effective messages:

  1. Don’t just explain what you do or what you’re offering;  “touch” your prospective seller with “the dream”, or “the solution” to their problem. You’ll want to touch the basic emotions and the needs of your seller within the body of your letter, whether that is fear, relief, greed, pride, or vanity.
  2. Keep it simple. The grammar doesn’t necessarily have to be perfect. You want to reach this person at their comfort level. Keep your letter relaxed, personal and conversational.
  3. Use simple language; don’t fill your letter with big words or technical words or “industry jargon” that your seller or your customer might not understand.
  4. Don’t make your letter hard on the prospect’s eyes: use paragraphs so that there is a specific break between thoughts and so that the letter just flows better and is more pleasing to the eye.
  5. Even though this is

Legislative Recap Week 42

Ohio Real Estate Investors Association


Title: Ohio's quest to regulate residential PACE lending.
Please see the attached article from Crain’s Cleveland Business on PACE loans in Ohio and where HB 646 currently stands.

Title: Landlords offered cash incentives to participate in voucher program.
Please see the attached article from The Toledo Blade regarding a new regional initiative focused on addressing Toledo’s housing crisis by enticing landlords to participate in the Housing Choice Voucher Program through a cash incentive.

Title: Columbus plans to fast-track affordable housing, help cover permit fees for small and medium-size developers.
Please see the attached article from Columbus Business First regarding comments from Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther on the city’s plans to start fast-tracking affordable housing projects by the end of the year.

Title: Ohio's largest business organization outlines blueprint for the state's economic future.
Please see the attached article from The Statehouse News Bureau regarding a new report from the Ohio Chamber of Commerce containing several recommendations for Ohio businesses and outlining the group's policy objectives for the coming decade. A copy of the Chamber’s executive summary and the full report are also attached for your review.

The IRS’s Side Hustle Crackdown

Utah Real Estate Investors Association



“Like mothers, taxes are often misunderstood, but seldom forgotten.” - George Bramwell

Who doesn’t love extra cash? These days, a lot of people need to work more to make it. Call them hustles, gigs, second jobs, or part-time on the side… They all amount to additional employment for a few extra bucks. 

Extra bucks for Uncle Sam, too, in the form of taxes. The government wants those dollars – and sure isn’t shy about coming after them with new rules and new powers of enforcement.

Here’s how to protect yourself. 

New tax and reporting

Almost half of working Americans – some 70 million people – report having a side hustle; tens of millions more want to get one. Lots of extra cash flying around? Not really: A lot of respondents to a recent survey said they make only a couple hundred bucks a month from a side job. 

Too bad there are 12 months in the year. <

Legislative Recap Week 40

Ohio Real Estate Investors Association


Title: New Legislation Introduced - HB 726.
We would like to make you aware of the following legislation that was introduced on October 3rd, 2022  in the Ohio House:
HB 726 – PROPERTY TAX FREEZE AUTHORIZATION (Patton, T) - To allow certain counties to authorize a property tax freeze for certain owner-occupied homes.
Attached you will find a copy of the bill for your review.

Title: Ohio meets deadline for COVID-19 rental assistance money, but slow to get money out.
Please see the article from The Columbus Dispatch regarding the deadline for Ohio to use its portion of the federal COVID-19 rental assistance money passed on the 30th of September, 2022.

Title: Ohio General Election Information - November 8, 2022.
Early voting for Ohio’s November 8th General Election will begin on October 12th, and we at Governmental Policy Group, Inc. and RH Resources would like to provide you with a few tools to help you follow the various races throughout the state.
Attached you will find a 2022 General Election Guide containing a list of candidates and statewide issues appearing on the ballot this November. This year, Ohio will be voting on several statewide and congressional candidates, all 99 Ohio House and odd-numbered Ohio Senate districts, and two statewide issues. Because of redistricting, new congressional map and state legislative maps (house of representatives districts & senate districts) will be in place for this election, and your current district numbers may have changed. To verify your district numbers, you can enter your address on the Secretary of State’s interactive map here.
Below are a few important dates/times to remember regarding the election:
~October 11: Deadline to register to vote
~October 12: Absentee voting by mail begins
>Absentee ballots may be returned by mail or personally delivered to your county board of elections. If returned in-person, absentee ballots must be received by your board of elections by 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 8th. If returned by mail, absentee ballots must be postmarked on or before Nov. 7th.
~October 12: Early in-person voting begins
~November 5: Deadline to request absentee ballot (noon)
~November 7: Mailed absentee ballots must be postmarked by this date
~November 7: Early in-person voting ends
~November 8: ELECTION DAY – Polls are open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Early in-person voting hours:
~October 12-14: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
~October 17-21: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
~October 24-28: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
~October 29: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
~October 31: 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
~November 1-4: 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
~November 5: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
~November 6: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
~November 7: 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
We also encourage you to visit the Secretary of State’s website for any additional information on the election, voter registration, sample ballots, or voting in Ohio.
Please note, we at Governmental Policy Group, Inc. and RH Resources are not endorsing any one specific candidate or party in any of the races. This election guide is designed solely for your convenience, and we encourage you to share it with anyone in your organization who might find this information useful.

Title: New bill would help older homeowners with property tax increases.
Please see the article from Crain’s Cleveland Business regarding HB 726, which would allow certain counties to authorize a limited property tax freeze.

Title: Governor's Appointments for October 7, 2022.
Please see the press release here from Gov. DeWine’s office announcing that Elizabeth Sigg has been appointed to the Real Estate Appraiser Board  for a term beginning today, October 7, 2022, and ending June 30, 2025.

4 Crucial Things “They” Never Tell You

Community of Real Estate Entrepreneurs



An interesting thing happens when people become successful real estate investors: like any true convert, they start to want to proselytize. And one of the primary characteristics of any good missionary is the desire to emphasize the good and de-emphasize the downsides of one’s religion.

Have you ever noticed that most successful investors remember their early years in real estate as “not that hard”, or “scary, but doable”? Yet if you ask a new investor who’s in the midst of trying to find his first few deals, he’ll more than likely describe this time as “terrifying”, “overwhelming” or “nearly impossible”.

Remember, dear readers, that your mentors and colleagues are (for the most part) not deceiving you intentionally unless they’re trying to sell you something. It’s just that they want you to succeed as they’ve succeeded, and that, now that doing deals is second nature, they’ve honestly forgotten a lot of what it was like to struggle in the early years. You may have been guilty of this yourself: I know I’ve been. But unlike most of you, I have a forum from